The build does 20M dps on a dummy (see video) and this is not a clickbait.
The idea is the following:
- — gives huge multiplicative bonus to Runic Invocation (RI), based on the color of the second rune used in RI (and also a small bonus based on the color of the first rune). That's gives us the initiative to massively stack Dexterity use a that has Gon (Lightning) rune as a 2nd rune.
- — gives flat spell damage to RI, based on either your Armor, Ward or Dodge — whichever is minimal of the 3. But Dexterity gives extra Dodge — and we're stacking Dex anyways! And also this is a Staff, so we get even more damage for , using Gon rune as a 1st rune, while wielding Staff, thanks to another bonus from .
- These two factors combined provide a huge flat spell damage bonus and "MORE" multipliers for (which is in our case — a medium-sized AoE that hits 7 targets every 0.4 seconds)
- Then there's — Runemaster exclusive DoT, triggered by any lightning skill with mana cost >=15, stacks 1 time, And reapplies it on each tick. The damage scales multiplicatively with (from node). And additionally it receives all MORE multipliers from the skill that applied it. Including from own skill tree and from gear ( in our case). With 100 Dexterity and a Staff that constitutes a total bonus of approximately 440% (just from gear alone, not counting Shock and other modifiers).
I initially planned this build to be DoT only ( applicator, essentially), but it turns out, that with modifiers like that normal hits do huge damage as well. Essentially the build does a hybrid damage, where ~40% (9M per second on dummy) comes from hits and 60% (~11-12M per second) comes from DoT. Technically. It's possible to completely ignore one and focus on the other (e.g. making it a full-crit build), but I like this version more.