Hello! Welcome to my first build guide.
This is a high crit physical 'one button' playstyle build which comfortably clears through the early corruptions at a fast rate. Our goal is to scale as much damage into our which then gets cast by through the node.
Offensively, as mentioned, we scale a lot of critical strike chance and multiplier to amp the damage of our as much as possible. , and all give us great scaling to start doing some high critical damage, alongside from the tree you're able to roam holding one button 90% of the game. Pretty neat!
Due to the nature of channelling we scale a lot of defence through the Warlock tree with important nodes such as and , as well as to scale some armor - - and more resistances - - on top of a crazy amount of leech thanks to the Lich passive tree, with passives such as and , alongside one of the first very easy attainable uniques we gain a really respectable amount of EHP whilst channeling .
The only unique I would consider 'mandatory' for this build is, as mentioned earlier, . It not only gives us an incredible amount of leech to sustain for as long as possible, but it also covers our meaning we can focus on other forms of defence elsewhere. With us opting to go more ward based, and slot beautifully into this build. We practically cap from our passive trees meaning any we can add to our build turns into , whilst from the skill tree gives us the ability to scale a lot of dodge to multiply with our boots, meaning we can attain over 10000 dodge rating incredibly easy. A well rolled and are not needed at all but are very easy uniques to attain which can help cover your build until you get further into the end game!
This build is very easy to pickup once you hit monoliths but in terms of quality of life you definitely need certain pieces, but they're incredibly easy to get.