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Welcome to the Naughty List - Crit Stygian Coal Lich Build Guide

Posted by Lohk on November 2, 2024
Last updated on February 10, 2025



This Stygian Coal build smoothly transitions from early monoliths into 60 second Aberroth kills using common low LP uniques. It has fantastic single target damage with decent monolith clear speed. It doesn't skimp on defenses either, stacking lots of health, a free cheat death and tons of life leech. You don't have to worry about rotations either, just spam Drain Life life and Rip Blood.

Scale damage effectively and easily with PrefixIntelligence and PrefixSpell Critical Strike Chance.

The more SuffixHealth you have, the more damage you do!

The gear in the planner is the gear I used to get my first Aberroth kill. You only need:

With the aspirational gear in the planner, this build boasts:

  • 500 Corruption Emperor of Corpses in 15 seconds
  • Aberroth in 60 seconds
  • Kills T4 Julra before her first explosion

The aspirational gear isn't anything too crazy, sticking with the themes of the build by slamming T7 intelligence rolls and Critical Strike Chance.

You probably have a high LP Stygian Coal in your stash right now. Give this build a try. You won't regret it!

Pros & Cons


Build comes alive as soon as you equip Stygian Coal

Can be played zoom-zoom style with a few modifications

Scales easily with PrefixIntelligence, PrefixSpell Critical Strike Chance, and even SuffixHealth!

Reaper Form gives you a free cheat death


Reaper Form constantly drains health along with Mind Over Body 10/10, this build requires constant movement and killing

If you get knocked out of Reaper Form, a lot of damage potential and survivability go with it.

Starts most encounters and monoliths at very low hp

Gameplay / Mechanics

How to play the build

Each monolith or boss you will typically start with very low hp. Spam a few potions, switch to Reaper Form and spam Rip Blood while casting Drain Life. The more rip blood's you cast, the more damage you will do and the more mana you will generate. This build has a fast ramp time since Drain Life casts will persist on the ground for a duration. The more time you can spend casting Drain Life the more damage you will do.

When you cast Rip Blood you will generate global spell damage from Arcane Absorption 4/4. With 50% increase cast speed you can generate +200 flat spell damage. It's important you are casting Rip Blood as much as you can in boss fights.

Once you've built up enough Spell Damage Stacks cast Death Seal to skyrocket your damage.

Your health will progressively drain faster the longer you are in Reaper Form. You will do enough damage to leech back this health loss so long as you're continuously casting.

How to solve mana problems

  • Since Drain Life has an enormous mana cost it is easy to run out of mana if your cast speed is too low
  • The build generates mana by casting Rip Blood proccing Mana Feast 3/3 The more cast speed you have the more mana you will generate!
  • Aim to get 50% increase from your gear. This can be accomplished by a T5 PrefixCast Speed on your gloves along with a T6 Cast Speed on your Catalyst.
  • Remember, each point of intelligence also increase cast speed. So getting T7 Intelligence can really help!

When to use Death Seal

  1. It's our big damage button, giving us massive damage increase thanks to Corrupted Consciousness 5/5
  2. Death Seal is cast thanks to Mortal Pulse 1/1 which is an AOE Necrotic Spell that can clear big packs
  • When you feel overwhelmed by the number of enemies on screen use Death Seal to clear them out
  • Use Death Seal on bosses to push big damage numbers. Learn when bosses have Immunity or Damage Reduction Phases (Like Herot and Abberoth) and you'll blow up bosses in no time!



Stat Priorities


Crit Scaling

This build scales critical strikes. We don't have access to a lot of increased critical strike chance so we need to get almost all of it from gear.

2x Phantom Grip is necessary in the build because of the flat +% Critical Strike Chance. The only stat on this item we care about is the +2% crit chance. These items are mandatory for the build to scale crit effectively.

Drain Life has a base critical strike chance of 0%. Without the 2x Phantom Grip we cannot scale crit.

You might be tempted to forgo Phantom Grip and scale Stygian Beam since it has a base critical strike chance of 5%, however, Stygian Beam is not 100% of our damage. Our damage is a mixture of Drain Life and Stygian. It's important to scale the crit of both of these skills.

Also scaling base crit is a very efficient way to get more out of your Increased Critical Strike Chance.

Intelligence Scaling

PrefixIntelligence is by far the best way to scale the build after PrefixSpell Critical Strike Chance.

Each point of Intelligence grants us:

  • 4 Armor
  • 1 Mana
  • 1% Stygian Beam Frequency
  • 0.5% cast speed
  • 4% increase damage


By using Citadel Boots with Revenant Mask you can get fairly high crit reduction with 1 SuffixArmor and Reduced Bonus Damage from Crits roll on your gear.

Grand Embers of Immortality will get you to Endurance cap if you're using a Revenant Mask or Burial Mask.

SuffixHealth also acts as a damage multiplier thanks to Deadlock 1/1 and Corrupted Consciousness 5/5.

Stat goals for Aberroth Kill

  • 120 Intelligence
  • 45% spell critical strike chance
  • 300% critical multiplier
  • 50% increased cast speed from gear (150% total cast speed)
  • 60% Endurance

Desirable T7 Affixes

  1. Death Seal
  2. Drain Life
  3. PrefixSpell Critical Strike Chance
  4. PrefixIntelligence
  5. Reaper Form

PrefixSpell Critical Strike Chance is a rare affix. PrefixCritical Strike Chance is way more common. Use Critical Strike Chance prefix if you're getting unlucky finding the spell crit prefix.

Alternate Items

Aurora's Time Glass is a great fit for this build as it's base stats offer everything we could want. It's also a great defensive option giving us a second cheat death. If you get one with LP, slam PrefixCritical Strike Multiplier or PrefixSpell Critical Strike Chance.

Legacy of the Quiet Forest is a great starter belt to fix resists. If you get LP, slam with SuffixIncreased Cooldown Recovery Speed or any Health suffix.

Prismatic Gaze is bonkers for the build. If you want to use one slam T7 crit multiplier on an item that had Critical Strike Chance for crazy boss melting damage.


Best in Slot Idols

You'll want to adjust your idols based on your resist needs.

Large Immortal Idol with damage leech and increased crit is an early game option but should be replaced as soon as possible.


The blessings are fairly rigid and help ease gearing issues with resists and endurance.

Blessing Priority

  1. Grand Winds of Oblivion (Crit)
  2. Grand Resolve of Humanity (All Resists)
  3. Grand Embers of Immortality (% Endurance)
  4. Grand Bulwark of the Tundra (% Armor)
  5. Grand Light of the Moon (Mana)

If you feel that your crit is high enough you can trade Grand Winds of Oblivion for Grand Emptiness of Ash

Ending the Storm
Fall of the Outcasts
Blood, Frost, and Death
Fall of the Empire

Build Variants


Leveling with this build can be quite a pain because of Dark Shackles 1/1 adding +60 mana cost to drain life. I recommend not picking up Dark Shackles until you feel comfortable with the mana cost while spamming Rip Blood.


Your endgame set up is chasing as much Intelligence and Spell Critical Strike Chance as possible.

Stats you're looking for

  • 150 Intelligence
  • 50% spell crit
  • 300% crit multiplier
  • 150% total cast speed (+50% from gear)
  • 60% Endurance

You will get there by slamming T7 PrefixSpell Critical Strike Chance and PrefixIntelligence wherever you can.

Loot Filter

Link to Loot Filter I use (warning it's very strict)



What about Seed of Ekkidrasil ?

  • Seed of Ekkidrasil has the stats we're looking in the build. However, the damage dealt before mana can cause mana problems. It is by no means a mandatory item.
  • If you want to use one, I recommend slamming T7 PrefixLevel of Death Seal

I'm running out of mana!

  • Since Drain Life has an enormous mana cost it is easy to run out of mana if your cast speed is too low
  • The build generates mana by casting Rip Blood procing Mana Feast 3/3. The more cast speed you have the more mana you will generate
  • Aim to get 50% increase from your gear. This can be accomplished by a T5 PrefixCast Speed on your gloves along with a T6 Cast Speed on your Catalyst.
  • Remember, each point of intelligence also increase cast speed. So getting T7 Intelligence can really help!

What about Bone Curse?

  • Bone Curse would be a great addition to this build.
  • If you wanted to get your Aberroth kill times down even further
  • Transplant is the skill you would drop for Bone Curse



  • Added explanation for crit scaling in stat priorities section
  • Build Guide was published


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