
Last Epoch Patch 0.8 Official Overview

Last Epoch에 의해 2020년 12월 4일에 작성 됨 (원본)

Patch 0.8 Official Overview - Last Epoch releases its final playable character, the Rogue! Joining 4 other unique characters, the Rogue herself is unrivaled in bow and blade and is a fan favorite for her deadly talents.

The Rogue and her two masteries, Bladedancer and Marksman, are debuting with 17 skills complete with skill trees, 3 passive trees, 8 unique items and one item set.

0.8 Patch Notes: https://forum.lastepochgame.com/t/beta-0-8-patch-notes/26643/1

Last Epoch combines time travel, exciting dungeon crawling, engrossing character customization and endless replayability to create an Action RPG for veterans and newcomers alike. Travel through the world of Eterra’s past and face dark empires, wrathful gods and untouched wilds – to find a way to save time itself from The Void.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/899770/Last_Epoch/
Website: https://lastepoch.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/lastepoch
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