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Beta 0.9f Patch Notes

Автор: Hackaloken (опубликовано 20 марта 2023 г.) (Источник)


  • Fixed a rare bug which could lead to large online save data rollbacks. We’re still working on identifying any other causes of rollbacks and fixing them.
  • Fixed a bug where Druid Transform builds could sometimes end up with scrambled action bars, with incorrect and mispositioned abilities, which also caused the Human Form action bar to become blank.
  • Fixed a bug where traversal skills such as Lunge would consume more than 1 charge of the ability when used, and also consumed more than 1 charge of other traversal skills that share a cooldown.
  • Fixed a bug where an uninteractable reward rock could sometimes appear in Echo of a World, preventing interacting with the real reward rock.
  • Fixed a bug which caused ability use to be prevented if you were holding down a key after using a movement ability. This caused Dancing Strikes to be used much less frequently when holding the button than when rapidly pressing it.
  • Fixed a bug where quick selling items was not blocked on the client while gambling. This could cause the client to become out of sync with the server, with items appearing to be duplicated or lost. This was a visual/clientside bug; no items were lost or duplicated.
  • Fixed a bug where the Liath and Thetima quest could get stuck on the “Speak with Yulia in Thetima” objective.
  • Fixed some skill, passive and affix typos.

Account Creation

  • Fixed a bug which caused LE-51 errors to be shown if a problem occurred while picking a display name, rather than an error message that tells you what went wrong (i.e. name already in use, invalid characters, invalid length, profanity filter).

Enemy Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where some Void Despairs would have an outline appear after killing them.
  • Fixed a bug where some Void Despairs didn’t have a health bar.
  • Fixed a bug where Void Despairs would sink into the ground immediately upon dying.
  • Fixed a bug where the Void Penance didn’t have a top of screen health bar in multiplayer.
  • Fixed a bug where the indicator and animations for the Idol of Loathing would not re-time properly when it was chilled.


Thanks for continuing to report bugs and other issues. Here are two we’re working on, though we have several other fixes in progress:

We’re aware of a bug where some players are unable to enter Dungeons. This will be a priority for us to address this week; we weren’t able to finish a fix in time for this patch. However, we’ve seen that if you return to Character Select via the Leave Game button, you will be able to enter the dungeon. You should be able to try this without interacting with the Dungeon.

We’re also aware of rubberbanding happening during movement and movement skills.