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Black Hole Armageddon Lightning Conversion Sorcerer Build Guide

Posted By EMP1241 on October 10, 2023
Last updated on December 18, 2023



Terry used to stare into the stars and wonder, but now he just summons collapsed stars and watches.

This build guide is to help people understand the build and it's functionality. There's a good chance you could make your own variation using a similar setup.

Gameplay Style

Terry is simple enough to play. He uses 2 non-scaled casts (Teleport and Focus) on the bar, as the others will automatically be used in cohesion with 2 others (Frost Wall = Flame Ward and Black Hole = Meteor). This is a build that would be able to play with minimal skill rotations, due to the automatic functionality of the skills.

We will wipe most of the echoes with Frost Wall and Lightning Blast. Reserving Black Hole for larger and perhaps less mobile enemies.

We rely on Frost Wall to push up an ample amount of ward thanks to Flame Ward and our high ware retention. We must be actively aware that we rely on the spam of Frost Wall to not only push mana regen, thanks to Warmth 4/4, but we also recover a large portion of mana spent on Frost Wall thanks to Howling Rift 1/1. The player must learn to balance and understand this is order to keep mana topped up. IF we fail to do this, or after Meteor drains us, we can either spam Lightning Blast (free cast) and gain mana with Unsealed Mana 5/6 or use our unscaled Focus for a quick boost.

As always, my builds never require LP to function, but the build can be improved if found. (This build requires no uniques however, just sets).

Pros & Cons


Disability friendly (Can be a 3 button mouse)

Simple skill rotation

Exciting Visuals

Active and fun play style


Requires Vilatria's Storm Crown (very rare)

Requires other more common uniques as well to function.

Player must avoid blatant high damage mechanics

Gameplay / Mechanics

Mechanical Function

Lightning Blast is free to cast and has a 25% chance to cast 4x's thanks to Hypercharge 1/1. It also hit very hard, and with our Frost Wall also utilizing our Lightning Blast, it begins to wipe mobs near the vicinity of you or it. This method of using Frost Wall in conjunction with Lightning Blast will not only keep our ward numbers at a comfortable level, but we can utilize Black Hole at any time for a more difficult pack. Be aware, that we have all but killed the pull strength of the Black Hole, so it will not CC very well (unless you are stunning with the lightning-converted Meteor). Our damage calculator in practice AND on paper put the DPS of the Meteor of around 470k+ not including the Black Hole damage. Lightning Blast in practice and paper will easily hit the 70k's.

Defense Mechanics

We rely on our ability to spam Frost Wall for ward generation, as well as 100% critical strike avoidance. We also utilize Unsealed Mana 5/6, Arcane Focus 8/8, Transcendence 6/8 , and our The Invoker's Static Touch to generate ample amounts of ward as well. Dodging obvious high-damage mechanics will keep you safe, the ward will be more than enough to protect you from miscellaneous incoming damage.

For a further explanation of how Frost Wall works, read below:

Basic Engagement

Start all echoes the same way:

  1. Cast and walk through a few Frost Wall's to charge the ward battery.
  2. Engage enemies utilizing BOTH Frost Wall and Lightning Blast. Use Black Hole on difficult targets.
  3. Repeat

Difficult Engagement / Bossing

It would be ideal to pass through several walls until you realize you are ward-capped. This number would change depending on your ward retention.

  1. Cast and walk through several Frost Wall's to charge the ward battery.
  2. Drop Black Hole, back up, and Lightning Blast until the cooldown of Black Hole is up.
  3. Be sure to keep walking through Frost Wall (try to do it near the boss so it can also attack)
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary.



Stat Priorities



Ending the Storm
Reign of Dragons
The Age of Winter
Fall of the Outcasts


The Stolen Lance


Blood, Frost, and Death


Fall of the Empire


The Last Ruin


Build Variants


You should be able to level with this build if you already have the set items, if not, you can follow the same approach if you do not scale Mirror Breath 1/1. In this scenario, we just use Dragon Mage 10/10.


Farming double exalts would be the goal here. Don't forget to check the dungeon daily rewards to hunt down top-tier gear found here.

Loot Filter

A good generic late-game loot filter for double exalts and T7s can be found here.


I am live on Twitch Tue-Sat 10 PM-6 AM central. If you have extensive questions, come in and ask. I will do my best to respond when I can in the forum.



  • Altered Affixes to scale more defensively
  • Build guide was published