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Cold Brew Shinobi - Cold Conversion Acid Flask Bladedancer Build Guide

Posted by profpancham on April 16, 2024
Last updated on April 16, 2024



Hi there! This is my guide to the Cold Brew Shinobi, a cold-conversion Acid Flask Bladedancer build! You’ve probably seen several guides covering the frostbite variant of this build on Falconer, but I wanted to cover this variant for people who are interested in an on-hit, crit-based version of the build.

This build takes advantage of the conversion we get from Vial of Volatile Ice, allowing all of our base damage to be converted to cold. This conversion takes precedence even with the Explosive Flask 1/1 node that converts our damage to fire. To scale the build, we will be taking general increases to our PrefixCritical Strike Chance, PrefixCritical Strike Multiplier, PrefixCold Damage, PrefixCold Penetration, and PrefixThrowing Damage increases. Additionally, the natural disposition Bladedancer gets for Create Shadow serves the build really well as I will explain in this guide. We scale the amount of flasks we can throw through two methods: triggering Acid Flask via Explosive Trap, and through Create Shadow, which will also throw Explosive Traps for us. These interactions serve as the core of the build and help it to sustain its damage potential. Our supplementary skills for this build are here to give us more shadows, more damage, or other forms of quality of life.

Pros & Cons


Comfy boss killer and mono farmer

Smooth, fast gameplay

Scales well with gear investment into higher tiers of corruption

Cold conversion provides great defensive ailments in Slow, Chill and freeze

Shadows provide higher uptime on Dusk Shroud and Acid Flask through throwing traps

Great defensive layers, having high dodge rating and glancing blows cap from Dusk Shroud, on top of having ward


T7 PrefixThrowing Damage and Reduced Mana Cost on rings are a must for mana, as before then this build is very mana hungry

Relies on many late game uniques and legendaries to fully optimize both the offense and the defense of the build

Your PC might hate you and you may drop several frames

Gameplay / Mechanics

The gameplay of this build is simple, as for the most part it's all centered around outputting as many Explosive Traps as possible. However, I want to go in depth as to how we use each skill and why.

Acid Flask is the primary skill the build. and there are 3 important nodes we take to scale its damage:

Explosive Trap is the most used skill of the build, and how we trigger Acid Flask:

Shift is our movement skill, and it does quite a lot for the build:

Smoke Bomb serves several purposes:

Decoy provides us with a lot of benefits apart from serving as a taunt:

We actually have an open slot on our hotbar since we don't manually cast Acid Flask. My suggestion would be to have this slot as a skill already on your hotbar like Decoy or Smoke Bomb

With that being said, here's the gameplay loop I tend to follow:



Stat Priorities


The biggest priority of this build is the T7 PrefixThrowing Damage and Reduced Mana Cost on rings.

After that, getting experimental affix on Frostbite Shackles for T5+PrefixExperimental Ward per Missing Health and T7 PrefixLevel of Decoy would be my next priority.

Apart from those, some affixes we want to look for are PrefixCritical Strike Multiplier, PrefixCold Damage, PrefixCold Penetration, SuffixCold Resistance, PrefixFreeze Rate Multiplier and Cold Resistance, PrefixThrowing Damage, and any form of Health.

Fill in any missing resists as you need them on the exalted gear.


Throne of Ambition is really nice for this build, giving us a little bit of extra armour and a healthy chunk of cold damage when we get it stacking.

Apart from that, adorned idols with PrefixShared Critical Strike Multiplier and SuffixThrowing Damage will do wonders for increasing our overall damage. You can also look for SuffixIncreased Armour Shred Effect to strip armour faster from tankier enemies.

The remaining idols should be used to bump our PrefixWard Retention and SuffixCold Resistance up, supplementing our ward retention scaling with Frostbite Shackles.


Spirits of Fire
Fall of the Outcasts
The Stolen Lance
Blood, Frost, and Death
Fall of the Empire

Build Variants


If you want to play this build as your first build, I would suggest starting out as an Shadow Daggers Bladedancer. It’s super easy to get going, requires very little gear, and can transition easily into this build provided we have the required gear. Leveling as an Acid Flask Explosive Trap build is a bit rough until you get some sort of mana cost reduction through exalted affixes, and I would steer away from starting as this build unless you have some rings with the affix at minimum T6.

Assuming you have the gear, however, I would still start as Shadow Daggers until you're able to equip your mana cost rings and take the Instrument of the Alchemist 1/1 node in Explosive Trap. Once you meet those conditions, it's relatively smooth sailing from there.


With proper investment, this build is capable of scaling into high levels of corruption relatively comfortably. The ability to get guaranteed crits on Acid Flask with no PrefixCritical Strike Chance investment on gear opens the window for more damage scaling affixes.

The synergy between Frostbite Shackles and Knowledge of Immunity 3/3 allows for both defensive and offensive scaling for the build with just a single affix in SuffixCold Resistance.

Additionally, through stacking Dusk Shroud via Smoke Traps 1/1, we get access to a great amount of defense in high dodge chance and capped glancing blows that drastically improve the builds survivability.

Currently I myself have gotten this build to just shy of 500 corruption with what I would consider mid-tier investment, as there are many gear upgrades I have room to make. However, with time, I have no doubt that I can push even further.

Loot Filter

No loot filter is provided for this guide. You can generate a loot filter for this build in the Build Planner or create one using Filter Wizard in the Loot Filters section.




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