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Generalist Erasing Strike Void Knight Build Guide

Posted By KnightofStress on August 20, 2023
Last updated on September 16, 2023



This build is the definition of "keep it simple, stupid." You Volatile Reversal, Void Cleave, then you Erasing Strike, do the last two again, then Vengeance a bit to regenerate mana.

Volatile Reversal allows for significantly greater damage at the cost of your own personal safety, if you like taking risks and have a lot of confidence in your positioning, or just like big numbers, this is a good option. If not, check the alternate skills for a more defensive utility option. Food for Wyrms 4/4 and Harbinger of Dust 3/3 are the stars of the show here, giving us major damage for for doing what we were already doing.

In a sufficiently nonthreatening fight you could effectively hold the Volatile Reversal button down since the 3.8 second cooldown we have is shorter than the 4 second buffs we receive. The notable exception to this is if you are moving out of an AOE, or to avoid an attack. Speaking of AOEs; be cautious when time traveling, 4 seconds is longer than you think, and targeted lingering AOEs like the void pools Julra summons when you time travel while fighting her can be deadly if you accidentally reverse back onto one.

Pros & Cons


Low Skill Floor

High skill Ceiling

Doesn't require any item swapping

Extremely satisfying


No movement skill

Uses a Weaver's Will item (I am so sorry)

Weak to hit-stuns

Gameplay / Mechanics

The most intensive mechanic that you have to keep track of beyond the basic gameplay is the number of stacks of Time Rot your enemy has, which is really only relevant to boss fights as no other enemy is going to survive long enough for it to matter. But when you have 12 stacks of Time Rot on an enemy, the Final Hour 1/1 node doubles our damage. Every time you apply a stack of time rot, it replaces the oldest stack if you are at the cap of 12, which is very useful since time rots duration is a mere 3 seconds, which is pretty tight timing overall. Luckily there are nodes for time rot duration, and I am currently experimenting with using a time rot duration idol as well to make it more consistent.

Another important topic is Vengeance, this skill has replaced Rive in the build because it allows for increased survivability and generates void essences that help our damage and can be eaten to generate mana. To get the most out of the skill you need to spam it all the time between attacks, typically between your primary rotation, but unfortunately, the buff is only 2 seconds, so you cant keep it through your whole combo, that said, the buff for clearing and pushing corruption is worth it, and it allows you to survive a lot more reliably than Rive did.

I must stress that Void Cleave is NOT a movement skill in practice, it even echoes despite movement skills not being able to do that normally. The only sense in which it actually is a movement skill is that it procs the ability of Julra's Stardial. This necessitates you to take care when fighting bosses and position yourself intelligently, especially when you are still somewhat slow before you get your Darkstride.



Stat Priorities


For the legendaries, I put more affixes than it is likely you will get LP for. For example; Darkstride is effective level for LP 70, which makes it difficult to get even 1 LP, quite unlikely to get two, and nearer to impossible to get 3, therefore I selected two affixes.

For the Code of an Erased Sentinel I put up a few extra affixes to cast a wide net. Weaver's Will items are RNG on RNG on RNG so unfortunately you will have to work with what you have and always be on the lookout for an upgrade.

Finally, for Exalted items the stats are ordered highest priority to lowest within each row.


Ending the Storm
Spirits of Fire
Fall of the Outcasts
Blood, Frost, and Death
Fall of the Empire

Doesn't matter

The Last Ruin

Doesn't matter

Build Variants


While you are leveling, until you get a Darkstride drop, take the Nether Charge 1/1 node. Having two of both Void Cleave and Erasing Strike is important to your survivability and nuking potential.


You can step into monos right out of the campaign, and you should work on acquiring two Siphon of Anguish ASAP. These and Woven Flesh will carry you until you can get anApathy's Maw, at which point you will be in empowered monos and you can track down the rest of the pieces at your own pace.

Loot Filter

No loot filter is provided for this guide. You can generate a loot filter for this build in the Build Planner or create one using Filter Wizard in the Loot Filters section.


If you have any questions, please let me know! This is my first time making a build guide, so its bound to be a little rough around the edges.



  • Build planner updated, alt skills added.
  • updated build planner
  • updated for 9.2: Multiple armor piece affixes reworked, amulet base changed, Rive swapped for Vengeance, abyssal echoes tree reworked, spirits of fire blessing changed, passive tree reworked
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  • Removed beginner Tag
  • Changed Idols, removed rayeh for addtl ornate
  • Changed Idols, removed rayeh for addtl ornate
  • Added Volatile Reversal build alternative
  • Build guide was published