Edit Guide

High Ward Lightning/Cold Runemaster Build Guide

Posted By MinMaxRPG on January 20, 2024
Last updated on January 22, 2024



This build uses large amounts of SuffixWard Per Second which is generated passively, Ward gained through spell hits and various other methods to both gain and retain Ward. It takes advantage of PrefixMana Spent Gained as Ward, PrefixExperimental Ward Gained on Traversal, Ward Decay and other methods to add additional Ward and prevent it from ever falling off. While generating nearly infinite Ward to keep yourself protected you'll clear the screen with AoE. Some of the methods include Warden from the Mage passive tree to retain the ward you've gained and Arcane Focus which grants ward on direct spell hits.

You can solo all content through the story and into the endgame using either the PrefixLightning Damage version in this guide or the PrefixCold Damage version which is easily adapted by transforming the skills through the specialization points. The version shown in this guide covers Lightning and prioritizes survivability before damage output. You can and should move points if you find items that allow you to play more offensively while leveling or during the endgame to increase your clear speed.

The gameplay is fun and easily learned as the skills and specializations come online at different times. This allows you to get comfortable with each piece as you progress making it an easy build to master.

Pros & Cons


Very tanky due to large amounts of Ward

Solid AoE

Mobile and fast thanks to a spammable Teleport with lower cooldown


Low single target damage (can be alleviated through a respec if you know the encounter is coming)

Single damage type (hybrid is possible but will stretch you very thin until late stages and high end gear is acquired)

Gameplay / Mechanics

For skills, Lightning Blast is the "core" or spam ability. By equipping a Birch Wand or similar equivalent you can keep the mana cost of Lightning Blast at 0. With very fast PrefixCast Speed you're able to deal respectable damage to single target and high damage to multiple targets. This will also grant you Ward per hit which furthers the benefit of PrefixCast Speed since it doubles as a defensive boost as well. Convergence (Lightning Blast skill tree) is not taken by default in this build, but you can shift points around in the specialization if single target bosses are taking too long or you want to clear them faster. This can be helpful towards the end of the campaign against certain bosses where the points can then easily be reattained quickly in Monoliths.

Teleport will grant Ward and additional damage on use. This will be available on cooldown provided you have a Birch Wand (or similar Wand) equipped. Giving the build great mobility, survivability and burst. For navigating the campaign, Teleport and Lightning Blast are capable of carrying you through. However, the other skills will increase clear speed and enjoyment.

Static Orb has a relatively heavy cost as you level. This is amplified since PrefixMana and PrefixAttunement are not stats being stacked in this build. You will want to reserve this for high health enemies or bosses during the leveling process. As you progress and get better equipment it will become part of the regular rotation as the mana cost can then be sustained. Static Orb will proc Lightning Aegis which increases damage output by 50% and provides a 25% damage reduction. Against bosses you'll want to cast several Lightning Blast and rotate a single Static Orb in to maintain the buff. You will not need this skill to clear trash until later stages and at this point you should be able to sustain the cost and have a general idea of which enemies to use it against.

Frost Wall will be transformed to PrefixLightning Damage (unless you're playing the cold version) and walking through the wall will proc a number of benefits. You'll launch Lightning Blast at multiple enemies, gain Flame Ward(which we'll discuss shortly), PrefixMovement Speed, Ward and more. The general use for this is to cast it ahead of you, walk through it while holding Lightning Blast down and work your way through the enemies. Use Teleport to reposition or move to the next objective and repeat. At later stages simply walking through this will kill many enemies.

Flame Ward will also be transformed toPrefixLightning Damage and provides both damage reduction and a damage boost. Eventually this will proc simply by walking through your Frost Wall. At this point you will rarely actively cast it but it's recommended to leave it on your loadout so you can boost your Ward or in the rare emergency situations it's needed.

*The skill rotation will vary a bit as you level or obtain new gear increasing your sustain. The final rotation will use Teleport to arrive at your location, Frost Wall which you'll walk through to proc Flame Ward and Lightning Blast. Cast Static Orb as you walk towards enemies and follow up with Lightning Blast until they're defeated. Repeat the process skipping Teleport unless you need to reposition for high health enemies or bosses.



Stat Priorities


PrefixCast Speed is a powerful offensive stat. Increasing the # of Lightning Blast to proc Shock, provide Ward and deal damage. You'll also need PrefixIntelligence to activate certain passive node bonuses. There is a lot of Ward generated from this build even without any items that provide it. Your equipment setup may look completely different as the gearing is a bit of a balancing act to keep your damage potent enough while stripping some of your defenses when possible.

There are no item requirements to start using this build and it only becomes stronger as you find powerful gear. With the large amounts of Ward and high survivability you can solo all bosses in the campaign. However, if prioritizing defense first your clear speed on certain high health bosses will be slow (several minutes). You can shift points in the passive tree to increase damage output in situations survivability isn't needed thanks to the low cost respec system in Last Epoch.


Use idol slots to cap SuffixAll Resistances. The equipment slots are fairly coveted to acquire all the meaningful stats you need, and you might have some slightly uncapped resists without utilizing idols.


The Black Sun


Ending the Storm


Reign of Dragons


The Age of Winter


Spirits of Fire


Fall of the Outcasts


The Stolen Lance


Blood, Frost, and Death


Fall of the Empire


The Last Ruin


Build Variants


This is a very fun and mobile leveling build making it great to zip to the objectives and aoe everything down. Follow the passive and skill tree progressions found above for an easy campaign clear. Given the survive first approach this build takes off after level 50 in terms of damage output and is very enjoyable post campaign.





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