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Mana-Drought Pure Fire Aura Stacker Runemaster Build Guide

Posted By Torgor on February 3, 2024
Last updated on February 4, 2024



Fire Aura is a notoriously mediocre subskill. While you can stack it from various sources, its damage effectiveness still leaves something to be desired, and it doesn't benefit from damage multipliers on your skill trees as it is, a bit strangely, not treated as a subskill at all.

Runemaster is a notoriously strong mastery, offering not only good damage options and ways to leverage any or all elemental damage types, but also a lot of defenses through ward and some very interesting unique bonuses.

In this build we join together the two to create this unique approach: leveraging Runemaster's powers to ascend Fire Aura to something viable.

By investing into maximum mana and cooldown recovery speed, we turn our Glyph of Dominion into a near-instant and constant Fire Aura Generator, elevate Teleport into an excellent defensive tool with Wrongwarp, all while maintaining good mobility and speed for burrowing through the monoliths, which is the content most of us spend most of our time doing by default. A simple gameplay loop combined with great sustained defenses makes it suitable for Arena as well.

I hope you enjoy this build guide!

Pros & Cons


Fast. Not the fastest, but pretty fast

Excellent defensively

Flexible and allows gradual progression with investment

You can tell your friends you're playing Fire Aura


Attention-demanding gameplay (might take some practice)

Average offensively

Needs some items to start feeling satisfying

Your friends may laugh at you for playing Fire Aura

Gameplay / Mechanics

The linchpin of the build is combining Glyph of Dominion's Attuned Shapes and Evoker of Elements. By scaling our maximum mana value (or more specifically, our total missing mana value), our Glyph creates its Fire Aura stacks almost immediately; so fast in fact that we can spam Glyph as our Mainskill. It has defensive benefits as well while we're standing in it, so even when we need to stop casting to dodge attacks we want to be inside one. Thankfully Doom Scribe 2/4 gives our Glyph a minimum duration so we're never caught with our metaphorical pants down.

Wrongwarp/Teleport are our defensive engine. Just by grabbing cooldown recovery wherever we can (including Ancient Inscriptions 8/10 with some PrefixIntelligence), we are using Teleport a lot, and reaping the rewards with its skill tree bonuses and Wrongwarp's Timelock. As if this weren't good enough already, playing around missing mana opens up a very specific but powerful ward generator to us: PrefixExperimental Ward Gained on Traversal, meaning that we want to be using Teleport. all. the. time. Our Ward gain will scale with both max. Mana and Cooldown. Our Flame Ward and Focus also benefit from reduced cooldowns of course.

Spamming these two costly skills leaves a hole in our gameplan: we need a mana source, and relying on passive mana regen sources won't cut it. While there's a different approach that I'll elaborate on in the Skills section, here we're using Focus, or rather Null Profusion. Don't stick around to channel it, just press it as an instant spell when you dip below 0 mana. By the time we've spent our mana down to that point again, it should be off cooldown. This is the tricky part of the build; at some stages of gear progression you may not be able to outright spam your Glyph of Dominion, and have to practice how many you can use between each Focus. The more PrefixMana and SuffixIncreased Cooldown Recovery Speed you find, the smoother it gets.


Our other skill slots are less important to make the build work, but here's some other things that happen under the hood.

  • Flame Ward is mandatory on any mage that has the slots, and even more for us because we get Eye of Flame. If you convert Fire Aura to a different element, do it here, not on the Passive Tree.
  • Elemental Nova is by no means required nor the focus of the build, but we get it with Evoker of Elements anyway, so we make the best of it.
  • Keep Runic Invocation on your hotbar to reap the benefits of certain Passive Tree nodes that depend on generating runes, even if you don't put skillpoints in it. We don't want to self-cast Elemental Nova anyway.

Tldr on gameplay:

You permanently want to be on low mana. the exact number varies based on your gear but try to be below 20% as a rule of thumb.

Spam Teleport off cooldown, and use Glyph of Dominion as much as possible. With low gear your cast speed is too high to allow the Glyph to reach its max-size without replacing it, so you have to tap it intermittently and can't just hold down the button.

When you dip into negative mana, tap Focus and repeat the above again. With low gear its cooldown might feel too long; you may have to practice using the "correct" amount of Glyph of Dominion between each Focus.

Stand near enemies. Use Flame Ward frequently to protect yourself. If you have the Reowyn's Frostguard setup (see explanation below), keep that buff up too.



Stat Priorities


Uniques listed without a common alternative are not directly required, but very strong for the build. Wrongwarp in particular is relatively rare, but really ties the build together, and swapping it out changes the direction of the build basically. I hope it drops with LP for you when it eventually drops, since that's pretty common thankfully.

One potentially confusing thing: We invest into SuffixHealth and SuffixEndurance, even though we spend most of our life with high ward. Why? Because our entire HP pool is covered by endurance constantly, by the combination of Cerulean Runestones 6/8 and Knowledge of an Erased Mage's final affix. This means every HP we have is very effective, so it's worth grabbing some where we can to be even tankier than before!


PrefixMana ideal.

PrefixIntelligence preferred.

Suffixes should complement the rest of your gear. Good options include:

SuffixArmour and Reduced Bonus Damage from Crits


Body Armour

Arcane Regalia

Unstable Core with multiple LP (extreme investment)

PrefixMana ideal.

PrefixIntelligence preferred, but flexible. Many body prefixes help our build.

Suffixes should complement the rest of your gear. Good options include:


SuffixArmour and Reduced Bonus Damage from Crits



A flexible slot.

Crusader Gauntlets

Plated Gauntlets

Atrophy with Mana as LP (high investment)

PrefixMana ideal.

PrefixIntelligence preferred.

Suffixes should complement the rest of your gear. Good options include:

SuffixHybrid Health

SuffixArmour and Reduced Bonus Damage from Crits

SuffixChance to apply Frailty on Hit


Bronze Belt

Strands of Souls with multiple LP (extreme investment)

PrefixElemental Damage Over Time preferred.

PrefixWard and Ailment Cleansing on Potion Use if your Glyph does not cleanse. Otherwise, another damage affix.

SuffixIncreased Cooldown Recovery Speed essential!

Suffix 2 is flexible. Hybrid Health and Armor/Crit reduction are your best options.


Arcane Boots

Any base type is acceptable.

Extreme Investment: a strong Legendary Boots with high-tier PrefixExperimental Ward Gained on Traversal

PrefixExperimental Ward Gained on Traversal essential!

PrefixMovement Speed preferred.

SuffixIncreased Cooldown Recovery Speed ideal.

Suffix 2 is flexible. Hybrid Health and Armor/Crit reduction are your best options.


For LP:

PrefixLevel of Glyph of Dominion essential to transition out of Reowyn's Frostguard. Even if not, still great to have.

PrefixMana Ideal.

Anything else is a bonus.


For LP (high investment):

PrefixElemental Damage Over Time ideal.

Spell/Element damage prefixes are also fine.


PrefixMana ideal.

PrefixSpell Damage or similar is fine.

Suffixes should complement the rest of your gear. Good options include:

[Any] Resistance

SuffixWard per Second

Ring 1

Opal Ring is ideal.

Sapphire Ring is okay.

Font of the Erased with very good rolls and affixes is technically best-in-slot.

PrefixIntelligence ideal.

PrefixElemental Damage Over Time ideal.

Suffixes should complement the rest of your gear. Good options include:


[Any] Resistance

Ring 2

See above.

See above.


Strong Mind

Strong Mind with Mana as LP (medium investment)

Orian's Eye with Mana as LP (extreme investment)

For LP:

PrefixMana ideal.

[Your damage type] Penetration: Preferred.


Thankfully we have a double-mana idol, so farming our perfect idols is easy, if time-consuming.

We can obtain PrefixMana on our Mage gear, so Increased Mana % is valuable.

Throne of Ambition Is nice, but not required.


PrefixMana preferred.

SuffixMana And Armor well-rolled: ideal.

PrefixMana Ideal.

Fill with whatever else you need at the time.


We have small bonuses to Armour in our skills here and there, so reinforcing that with blessings is nice. Sadly to have both you would skip Fire (or Cold) Resistance shred, which is easily applied with Glyph of Dominion + Elemental Nova in tandem.

I think Shred is worth more in the end, but it's up to you.

Ending the Storm
The Age of Winter
Spirits of Fire
Fall of the Outcasts


The Stolen Lance


Blood, Frost, and Death


Fall of the Empire


The Last Ruin


Build Variants



If you made it this far into the guide, I think you're pretty cool.

Not very much to say here.

  • Your monolith experience will be good and ever increasing as your items improve.
  • Bossing is not particularly fast, but quite safe, which is my preference.
  • This means Julra is the most annoying dungeon boss, and Titan the least. At least for me.
  • I have not tested Arena, but this build should be very suitable for it.

This guide was made before/around 1.0's launch, but if you ask me, it is better suited to the Merchant's Guild. Some of our items are extremely hard to get, but will probably not be in high demand.

Loot Filter

I recommend each player of Last Epoch to make their own filter. The easiest way is to create a "template" that you find comfortable, and Copy -> create your new filter whenever you need it.

I don't do this to be annoying. I thought this as well at first, but have come around to making my own filters every time.


Guide writer, why are you using [thing]? [Other thing] would be much better!

Last Epoch is a young game, and there is a lot to still discover and try. Nobody's perfect, and if I've made mistakes that you are astute enough to notice, then I'm sure you will be fine by adapting based on your own judgment.

Okay, but really though. Why not just play Elemental Nova spam using the same setup instead?

I set out to find a way to make Fire Aura good, and from my POV it was a success. I will definitely be interested in other builds that use these mechanics in the future.

I'd rather not comment under the guide, how can I contact you?

I'm happy to talk about the build via the official LE server discord. I have the same name there.

Do you have any footage of you playing this build?

No... for now. I don't have a real excuse other than being lazy/busy with other stuff. If I refresh the guide after a 1.X patch I will do my best to include it.



  • typo, again. How many more will we find? :P
  • 2/4/24: typo.
  • Build guide was published