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Shotgun DoT Lich Build Guide

Posted By ezzekhiel on January 29, 2024
Last updated on January 29, 2024



Wait what? Shotgun and DoT? WTH is this build!

A few weeks before 1.0 releases, I would like to present a Lich build that will most certainly be updated into a Warlock build. However, the build itself works amazingly well even without all the insane stuff coming with the upcoming Warlock class.

Concept: You apply the 3 curses Spirit Plague, Bone Curse and Marked For Death and then spam your Hungering Souls. The unique ability of Curse of Perseverance modifies the skill so that each soul becomes an individual projectile, each one applying on-hit effects, proccing Bone Curse and Spirit Plague on-hit effects TWICE. Why twice you ask? I'm glad you asked. You see, the bone curse proc counts as a hit, so each missile from Hungering Souls procs the Putrid Recovery 3/3 and Laceration 5/5 nodes from Spirit Plague twice.

With high cast speed and the effects of Soul Swarm 2/2 and Risen Cemetery 2/2 , you will be shooting 11 to 12 missiles on average from Hungering Souls. Even more if you're lucky enough to find good idols (see below). Also, this is one of the few builds in which a high-rolled Singularity can make a big difference. Yes, you read that right. As the build mainly relies on curses and DoTs, the "no crit" aspect is really not an issue. First of all, Singularity indirectly reduces the projectile damage penalty from Curse of Perseverance. But it also applies to the Bone Curse damage procs - again, count as hits - meaning you will directly boost the damage of the curse (these hits can't naturally crit as they are described as damage over time).

Once you have the Unique staff, it's pretty easy to build around it by stacking cast speed and on-hit DoTs. Other huge items - but not mandatory - for this build are the addition of Ashes of Mortality, especially if you can manage to stack Damned and Ignite on hit generation and Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros. These will be a huge source of ward generation and allow you to face tank most bosses in the game!

This is my first build, feel free to improve and modify it as you see fit. Credit is alaways appreciated ;).

Pros & Cons


Very strong damage versus bosses

Lots of ward generation

Fast move speed for echoes objective rush


Can struggle vs packs of beefy or mobile ennemies

Very fragile when not in Reaper form

Needs a Unique Staff to work

Gameplay / Mechanics

You want to be in Reaper Form as much and as long as possible because it gives you everything: a boost to your damage with Mistress of Decay 4/4 and Reaper's Ascendance 3/4, a huge cast speed boost with Rapid Destruction 3/3, faster movement thanks to Death Comes Quickly 2/4 and more damage mitigation Soul Shroud 2/4. Ideally, try to get PrefixLevel of Reaper Form for your chest piece to max out Soul Shroud 4/4 and/or Reaper's Ascendance 4/4.

Maintaining Reaper form is made easy thanks to the Survival of the Cruel 8/8, Ageless Ascetic 5/5 and Soul Maw 2/5 health leech nodes from your passives combined with the massive amount of projectiles provided by each Hungering Souls cast.

Your survivability will mostly come in the form of ward generation. Hitting targets infected with Spirit Plague is essential, make sure it is always up. Additional ward generation is provided by Damned and Ignite stacks combined with Ashes of Mortality. If you can fit in a Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros you will be practically immortal with the HP leech provided in this build.

In echoes or non-bosses situations, it's quite simple: you apply Bone Curse and Spirit Plague on packs in front of you (make sure to double cast Spirit Plague to spread it early thanks to the Conductor of Plagues 1/1 node). Then you can either spam Hungering Souls or use Transplant inside the cursed pack for a big burst of damage. The latter is particularly useful when you have been in Reaper Form for a long time, as the Cursed Exile 2/5 node will usually instantly heal to full HP.

Before boss fights, unequip and reequip your staff. This will reset 1 skill point of every skill except Reaper Form. Respec normally except for the Bone Curse skill tree, for which you will pick Oppressive Gaze 1/1. This will not only give you a substantial damage boost but also allow you to not have to recast the skill for the remainder of the fight, as Bone Curse and Marked For Death will be applied until the end of the fight.



Stat Priorities


For rare prefixes, you want to to prioritize PrefixChance to apply Damned on Hit, PrefixNecrotic Penetration, PrefixNecrotic Damage, PrefixDamage Over Time. Some skills can really shine with a few more ranks, especially PrefixLevel of Reaper Form and PrefixLevel of Hungering Souls.

Then we're looking for as much cast speed as possible, hence Isadora's Tomb Binding and Ashes of Mortality.

If you dont have the perfect helmet or gloves for the time being, the 2 piece bonus from Isadora's Set is quite nice for the Damned generation.

Regarding suffixes, make sur to get your resists and endurance capped. Then get as much SuffixArmour and Reduced Bonus Damage from Crits as possible. A couple of SuffixChance to Ignite on Hit suffixes is also very good as it will substantially improve the ward generation from Ashes of Mortality.

On the debuff side, if you manage to get SuffixChance to apply Frailty on Hit on the amulet, gloves or relic, it's perfect, else you'll need the Grand Curse of Sulphur blessing. The Chill will come from an idol with PrefixChance To Chill With Necrotic Skills. However Blind is not possible, unless you are extremely lucky to find Curse of Perseverance with LP and manage to squeeze a SuffixChance to Blind on Hit over.

Otherwise Intelligence is king, but one armor piece with a T6 or T7 Vitality prefix will aslo help you a lot capping your resists and will allow you to respec some passive points from Bed of Souls 5/8 and Unnatural Preservation 3/5 elswehere.

Finally, a well rolled Titan Heart will also be a huge increase in survivability but be carefull, you will not benefit from life regeneration in human form!





Again, here to help you fill the gaps of resistances. Good defensive options are

From the Black Sun, the Grand Flames of the Black Sun is a really nice option if you can afford it.

I haven't tried it personally, but on paper Grand Maw of Artor could be great if the freeze can proc often enough.

Spirits of Fire
Fall of the Outcasts
Blood, Frost, and Death
Fall of the Empire
The Last Ruin

Build Variants


It's probably best to level with a minion build until Reaper Form. Feel free to switch out Hungering Souls for any other skill until you get your hands on Curse of Perseverance. At level 50, if you got the staff, you can start using the build immediately focusing on cast speed gear and farming a couple of Soulfire bastion to get your Ashes of Mortality.


The build has been currently tested up to corruption level of 300. So far, the biggest issues was facing big packs of nasty Wengari Axthrowers, Osprix fire casters and Nagas. Basically, everything that moves fast will make it hard for your Hungering Souls projectiles to hit. Also respect the Reaper Form, if you feel like you have been using it too long it's better to let it run off, wait a few seconds and start again. Without Reaper Form, you will most likely die very fast.

Remember to switch your point in Oppressive Gaze 1/1 before bosses and Orobyss encounters, it will help you a lot. Also, don't forget to respec the out of it when you start farming echoes again or you will be surprised by the first pack you won't be able to kill ;).

Loot Filter

No loot filter provided, make sure your filter the rare prefixes for PrefixLevel of Reaper Form , PrefixLevel of Hungering Souls and PrefixChance to apply Damned on Hit.

Other then that, you need the idol of PrefixChance To Chill With Necrotic Skills.

That's about it, the rest is pretty standard!


Is there a way to play this build without a Curse of Perseverance ?

No, you need the individual procs of each hungering souls projectile to work.

Is Titan Heart mandatory?

No, but it's a really good defensive option - especially in HC. A month before 1.0 release, both Lich and Necro have very little in terms of global damage reduction except for Bone Armor 3/3.

The two-piece set bonus from Isadora's Set is so good for this build, why not make it a part of it?

The 100% Chance to apply Damned on hit is awesome, however, this build already includes 2 to 3 uniques, 4 if you add the relic slot with a good rolled Ambitions of an Erased Acolyte or Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros. This leaves very little room to work on your defensive stats and caps. Also, aside from Isadora's Tomb Binding, both other items are really not providing good stats individually. Isadora's Revenge is okay-ish with decent HP and necrotic penetration, but the two other stats are totally useless. The Isadora's Gravechill is even worse. I would recommend using the helmet until you find or craft one with BIS stats.

Will you be reworking the build with the addition of the Warlock class?

Yes, I can't wait!

Awesome, but why is there no video?

Working on it ;)



  • changed skill progression
  • Build guide was published