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Thor - Lightning Melee Shaman Build Guide

Posted by satanlovesyou on March 13, 2024
Last updated on March 13, 2024



Hi everyone!

Welcome to my build guide for a lightning melee Shaman. If you're here, it's because you, like me, had aspirations of a Lightning Melee Shaman centered around spamming Tempest Strike and minimizing spell casting/totem summoning. Sadly, the actual Thunder Tempest damage scaling is pretty dog, but this build is what I think is the highest damage the Shaman can achieve while still doing Lightning Damage and right-clicking Tempest Strike.

I'm currently juicing through 150 corruption, which is admittedly low, but expect to be able to push 300+ eventually. This is not a high corruption meta build. Credit where credit is due to this video from Negron Technology who helped me find the foundations of interactions between skills for this build.

I still consider this guide a work in progress as I still need to test into high LP uniques. Please let me know if there are interactions I overlooked or you have suggestions for improving the build that retain the thematic fantasy.

Pros & Cons


Super fun

Feel like Thor

Good gear variety

Minimal casting


Low damage compared to giga busted falconer/warlock

Weakest class in the game

Melee combat can get treacherous

Not actually using tempests from Tempest Strike

Gameplay / Mechanics

The build is centered around Storm Bolt expenditure from the Tempest Strike node Sky Opener 1/1. Storm Bolts cast this way are dealing the most damage of your build, and coupled with Tempest Strike's fast attack speed from removing Tempests and reducing mana cost to 0, are being expended extremely fast. Summon Storm Totem coupled with Friends of the Tempest 5/5 will keep your storm stacks around 15 almost constantly, provided there are enough mobs around. You'll need to manually cast Gathering Storm a few times at the beginning of the monolith or dungeon or whatever and then you should be able to just right click your way to victory. On bosses you'll likely need to cycle in Gathering Storm casts when your stacks get empty.

A key part of this build is utilizing Rending Vortex 1/1 and In the Eye of the Storm 2/2 nodes in the Gathering Storm tree to generate and maintain Maelstrom stacks to increase base Storm Bolt crit chance. These nodes, coupled with Warcry's Whirlpool 4/4 and other methods of passively generating Maelstrom stacks will allow you to be around 10+ stacks constantly without ever having to manually cast it. I don't even keep it on the skill bar.

It's worth mentioning that Gathering Storm's node Excited Bolts 1/1 is a big damage boost while you are high on mana, but in practice means you'll pretty much constantly be low or empty on mana. I still keep it on, but this is the reason we want 0 cost Tempest Strike, so we can continue casting and expending even when empty. You always want to spam Warcry off cooldown, but be warned that in combat you may be empty on mana when you need to use that or Fury Leap. Excited Bolts 1/1 will never take you past 0, so if you get in trouble you should be able to sneak in a Fury Leap once you regen up to like 1 or 2 mana.



Stat Priorities


The equipment from the planner above has all exalted items plus a Tempest Maw to show the accessibility of this build without needing a bunch of uniques or legendaries as well as good affixes to strive for. However, one great thing about this build is the affix variety, there are a lot of different 'GG' rolls for items. The section below has the same affixes applied as in the build planner, but with additional uniques suggested to look out for with high LP.

For defense, make sure your resistances are capped, you have either 100% crit avoidance or almost 100% reduced damage from crits, then just stack Health and Armor wherever you can. I haven't found the gear to test a low health version of this build yet although I understand those are pretty strong. Considering you don't have good ward options I'm not sure how viable it would be on this build. Regardless, you need to be dodging one-shot mechanics anyway.

For leech, try to find a Bleeding Heart with LP to slam offensive affixes. Since we're not stacking melee damage, melee leech isn't very helpful for us and the sources of spell leech available aren't great. A Bleeding Heart can you get back to full almost immediately while casting Tempest Strike, and I've found that you cap out at like 4-5 stacks of bleed which does negligible (like less than 10) damage. If you can't find one, I recommend using the Black Sun blessing and relic implicit for spell damage leech. If you feel that your leech is strong enough without it, an Eye of Storms amulet with at least 1 LP would be a good replacement.

For offense you have a lot of great affix options; below is a priority list. To my understanding, % bonuses are multiplicative against each other, so it's good to have these as even as possible to maximize damage output. For example, 400% increase to lightning damage and 0% increase to spell damage won't be as strong as a 200% increase to both.

  • PrefixSpell Damage - flat sources of spell damage and particularly lightning spell damage will be scaled by multipliers and thus are extremely strong.
  • PrefixCritical Strike Multiplier - this stat is harder to get access to, so taking this wherever possible will help bring your crit multiplier in line with your % lightning and % spell damage bonuses.
  • PrefixSpell Critical Strike Chance - this affix can roll higher than general critical strike chance and should be prioritized when possible.
  • PrefixCritical Strike Chance - prioritize this until your crit chance is as high as possible. Your character sheet won't show storm bolt's actual crit chance since it's getting base from Maelstrom so you'll need to do some calculations making assumptions about how many Maelstrom stacks you're maintaining regularly.
  • PrefixLightning Penetration/SuffixLightning Penetration and Minion Lightning Penetration - this is always a priority as a suffix on a weapon, but you'll need to evaluate your other stats and test if this is worth replacing other prefixes on amulets.
  • PrefixAttunement - your 'main' stat. Best acquired on armor. On jewelry, exalted PrefixLightning Damage or exalted PrefixSpell Damage may be preferred depending on the rest of your gear.
  • PrefixMelee Attack Speed - this will let you expend stacks faster, but you get pretty insane attack speed from Aspect of the Shark, Fury Strikes 3/3, and Windfury 1/1 that the above should be prioritized.
  • PrefixLightning Damage - use wherever possible unless the above are available .
  • PrefixSpell Damage - same as above.
  • PrefixMelee Lightning Damage - we don't scale melee damage, but this will still scale off % lightning damage bonuses, so not a total waste of a slot.
  • PrefixStrength - similarly to the above, it will provide a damage boost, but never preferred over Attunement for damage or Vitality for surivivability.

Obviously these options aren't all available on every item so be intuitive about what affixes you choose. That being said, don't be dismayed if your exalted scepter has %spell damage instead of spell crit or multi, one of the good things about this build is that all of these affixes are enjoyed.

The important thing is making sure your covering your bases. Don't take the below affixes as gospel, the gear drops you get will likely determine what affixes you need to craft into across items.

I've also included some ideal uniques below. The only two I'd suggest swapping out immediately even with 0 LP are Tempest Maw and Stormcarved Testament. These are very strong on their own, but not required to make the build function. The rest of these have stats that support the build, but are only worth equipping if you can make a good legendary out of them. You'll have to evaluate what affixes you're giving up to replace exalteds/rares with uniques/legendaries. It's unlikely you'll find any of these with 4 LP, so make sure you're not doing something like leaving yourself at 30% void resistance just to put on Stormhide Paws.


These are mostly based on the idols I'm currently running which have worked out pretty well. Mix and match the adorned, ornate, and large idols based on personal preference and use the leftover slots to cap out resistances if necessary.


You can use blessings to cap resistances if needed. Otherwise these are generally best in slot for this build. Of course, feel free to swap out some of the drop rate blessings if you're trying to target something.

Spirits of Fire
Fall of the Outcasts
Blood, Frost, and Death
Fall of the Empire

Build Variants


For leveling I recommend just running pure Tempest Strike with the cold and physical tempests removed. You can essentially start speccing into this build sans Gathering Storm from the get-go; feel free to take Warcry and Maelstrom when you get them specialized. If you're updating gear along the way with smart affix choices you should have no trouble until late monoliths, and by then you should have plenty of skill points to get the rest of the build up and running. I'm sure there are more optimal leveling paths for Shamans, but this will let you live the fantasy of Thunder Tempest Strike while it's still viable and allow for minimal passive respeccing later on.


If you're looking for the most optimal, highest damage, 1000+ corruption, kill T4 Julra in 3 seconds endgame build, make a Falconer and join the brain dead sensation. If you, like me, want to jam some Lightning Melee, use Tempest Strike, disregard minons, and don't care about leaderboards, you're in the right place. I'm currently juicing through 150 corruption with ease, and expect to be able to run 300 corruption once I further optimize my gear and actually spend the time pushing. Please let me know if you find other interactions I overlooked, I'm still testing optimization between stats for this build.

Loot Filter

No loot filter is provided for this guide. You can generate a loot filter for this build in the Build Planner or create one using Filter Wizard in the Loot Filters section.




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