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Lightning Web, Ball Lightning Cycling Invoker Runemaster Build Guide

Posted By EMP1241 on October 6, 2023
Last updated on October 6, 2023



Sheldon was a master of invocations, specializing in lightning and cold.

This build guide is to help people understand the build and it's functionality. There's a good chance you could make your own variation using a similar setup.

Gameplay Style

Sheldon will require some button manipulation to play correctly, however, I have made the skill rotation as easy as possible in order to maximize the damage output. With decent gear you can easily make 100% Crit Strike Chance as well as into or well over 400% multiplier.

We specialize in clearing echos with Lightning Web, however, if packs line them up for us we can also use Freezing Cascade. For larger or more difficult enemies, we can use Ball Lightning which make short work of them.

This build is made simple by plotting a single point in Rune of Winter 1/5, which converts our unscaled Lightning Blast into a cold skill. This will allow us to keep a rotation of a cold skill without needing to have some kind of complicated covert in our scaled skills. Cycling with EITHER our Frost Claw or Frost Wall, which are both converted to lightning.

Bossing mechanics are the easiest, by simply charging the ward battery with PrefixPenetration with Lightning Invocations and walking through a few frost walls to get a strong ward base. Spam Frost Claw and use the Ball Lightning invocation (watch Orobyss demo).

As always, my builds never require LP to function, but the build can be improved if found. (This build requires no uniques however.

Pros & Cons


Good Clear and Boss Damage (100% critical strike chance with 400%+ modifier)

Strong Defensive scaling with 100% SuffixCritical Strike Avoidance w/ Strong Ward with PrefixPenetration with Lightning Invocations and Life

Very fun and engaging gameplay

No Uniques


Will require Runic manipulation to play properly. Bossing is the simplest mechanic however.

MUST gear to be in the 90% Critical Strike Chance

Clearing is based on how fast you can invocate PROPERLY, mistakes will cost you mana.

Gameplay / Mechanics

Mechanical Function

We must play with Lightning Blast in our skill bar!

We have Frost Claw = Q, Frost Wall = W Lightning Blast = E Flame Rush = R and Runic Invocation = RIGHT CLICK

End of note

We specialize in lightning, however we have a host of invocations at our disposal depending on the moment. This is where skill and pack recognition comes into play. We will typically clear with Lightning Web or Ball Lightning for tight non-mobile groups. However, some packs may require Sea of Sparks if they are ranged and dispersed. Mobile packs that run at you might require Freezing Cascade. Covenant Arc is also easily in our rotation which can be used to buff you with Frenzy if you're looking for a boost in cast speed.

All of these invocation will do fairly well for you, and understanding their usage will be the make or break point in becoming "good" at the build. I found it SIGNIFICANTLY easier to remember the skills based on the sub skill that gives you a rune. Example: I remembered Lightning Web by "Wall, Blast, Wall" (Frost WallLightning BlastFrost Wall)

We would usually prefer to use Frost Wall as our rune generator for a few reasons:

Mana is one of the only issues you can run into IF you are not careful. However, 56 mana per second is ALOT of mana, and you should recover quickly with Flame Ward on.

Defense Mechanics

We have a decent health pool in this build, with an acceptable amount of ward base and generation. We also have a 100% SuffixCritical Strike Avoidance, as well as SuffixIncreased Stun Chance to keep enemies down. Include this with our ward generation from Flame Ward, Arcane Focus 8/8, Transcendence 6/8, it becomes ALOT of ward. However, as always, you will need to clearly avoid obvious damage mechanics to avoid necessary damage.

Basic Engagement

Majority of our engagements can be resolved with "Wall, Blast, Wall" or Frost Wall,Lightning Blast,Frost Wall followed by Runic Invocation. This will cast Lightning Web. Be ware in the above Mechanical Function breakdown, that the engagement may be bested with one of the other skills gone over.

Difficult Engagement / Bossing

The most straightforward approach is the simplest. Actively use Frost Wall to gain ward and spam Frost Claw. Use Runic Invocation to cast Ball Lightning . With 10 stacks of Runic Energy 5/5 we have 100% chance to double cast our Ball Lightning thanks to Copied Scrolls 4/4. Keep this in mind, but be aware of movement from the boss, as he may relocate and you will waste the cast. Reset a fight with Frost Wall and repeat. You also have the option to Flame Rush into the target and it will cast Runic Invocation on completion. This would either cast Ball Lightning or Sea of Sparks, depending on the length of the rush.Lightning Blast



Stat Priorities


Ending the Storm
Reign of Dragons
The Age of Winter
Fall of the Outcasts


The Stolen Lance


Blood, Frost, and Death


Fall of the Empire


The Last Ruin


Build Variants


This build will be difficult to level with. Try my shock claw runemaster, than transfer to this once you acquire enough gear. The build can be found here.


Farming double exalts would be the goal here. Don't forget to check the dungeon daily rewards to hunt down top tier gear found here.

Loot Filter

A good generic late game loot filter for double exalts and T7's can be found here.


I am live on twitch Tue-Sat 10PM-6AM central. If you have extensive questions, come in and ask. I will do my best to respond when I can here.



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